In the coming years, the price of blueberries in Ukraine may decrease.

The EastFruit site writes about it. This is due to the fact that the area under blueberries in Ukraine continues to expand, and this should lead to an increase in supply and a gradual decrease in price. Now the domestic market is almost saturated with it, and in the next two or three years most producers will have to look for opportunities to export their berries.

🌿 If natural conditions do not affect the harvest, then it will be more profitable for farmers to sell berries on the domestic market than to export them. This is due to the fact that in the last couple of years, the popularity of blueberries and the domestic demand for them have been greater than predicted. Besides, there is no overproduction yet.

💸 But the increase in supply should eventually lead to a decrease in prices, at least to the level that exists in Poland, where Ukraine exports most of the grown blueberries.